Pose of the month - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukka Svanasana (downward dog pose) - is one of the most popular asanas (poses) taught to and practiced by beginners and more advanced students alike
In Light on Yoga, BKS Iyengar recommends this pose for runners as it has the ability to both relieve and strengthen tired and weak legs and ankles.
It's a forward bend as well as an inversion. It also helps strengthen the arms and shoulders, tones the abdominals and stretches the entire spine and torso. It's both rejuvenating and calming and can be practiced throughout pregnancy and during menstruation
Basic Instructions: Start from Uttanasana (standing forward bend) - place the hands on the floor at shoulder distance apart. Step the legs back 3 - 4 feet with the feet at hip distance apart. Press the entire palm down into the mat and straighten the arms, elbows, legs and knees. Lengthen the spine and lift the hips up and back away from the hands, to create a V shape. Press the thighs and shins back and the heels down towards the ground. Allow the crown of the head lengthen towards the mat in between the arms. Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths.
Quick tip: use blocks under your hands help to bring the weight off the shoulders and arms, and work into the legs more.