Pose of the month - Pasarita Paddotanasana
Pasarita Paddotanasana (wide legged forward bend) - I'll let you in on a secret... Stephanie Quirk once told us to take our legs out extra-wide in this pose so that we could get the feeling of freedom with the head on the floor. For me it took the strain out of my shoulders and neck, and allowed my spine to lengthen more!
No matter how wide your legs are - in Light on Yoga BKS Iyengar says the feet, palms and head should be in a straight line and to keep your weight firmly in the legs. This pose helps with digestion, and is a great alternative to Sirsasana (headstand) as it and has similar benefits and allows the blood to flow to the head.
Basic Instructions: step or jump your legs out (4.5 - 5 feet wide). Have the toes pointing straight ahead and outside edges of the feet parallel to your mat. Place your hands on the hips and draw up the knee caps. Bending at the waist lengthen the spine forward. Once halfway, take your hands to the floor directly under the shoulders and look ahead. Bend the elbows and keep lengthening the spine and trunk as you take your head down to the floor.
A few tips: 1. only go halfway if you're experiencing back pain and continue to work your legs, 2. place a block under your head if you can't get it on the floor and, 3. try holding your ankles...