Pose of the month - Virabhadrasana 1
Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1) - Many of you will know that this is not my favourite pose. I struggle to keep my back heel down on the floor, when I bend my front knee...
I've been working on it for about ten (!) years and it's definitely progressing - albeit very slowly. #nevergiveup
In Light on Yoga, it says this pose helps relieve stiffness in the shoulders, back and neck and also tones up the ankles and knees. So, if you sit at desk all day like me, this is a great pose to do!
Basic Instructions: standing with your legs out wide and arms up in Utthita Hasta Padasana turn the right foot 90° to the right, and turn the left foot in the same direction so you're facing toward the right side of your mat. Stretch the arms up to the ceiling beside your ears, press the back heel down towards the floor and slowly bend the right knee to create a right angle. Lift the head and look up. Hold for 20 -30 seconds and slowly straighten the front leg. Turn to the other side and repeat.
Tip: Place a half-block under your back heel if you can't get it down...