Pose of the month - Ardho Mukha Virasana
Ardho Mukha Virasana (a variation of child's pose) - is commonly done at the beginning of class as a way to open the shoulders, lengthen the spine, release the lower back and groins, and stretch the ankles and tops of the feet.
With the forehead resting we also bring about a relaxing affect on the mind, as we prepare physically and mentally for the practice.
This pose can also be done using a bolster or some other support beneath the abdomen and chest to prevent front body from collapsing to the floor and to keep the side body long.
We also use this pose to set the imprint through the spine, torso and arms, before we move into Ardho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog).
Instructions: kneeling on the floor; bring your big toes together and knees wide apart. Have the toes lengthening straight back so the soles of the feet face upwards and spread open. Place your hands onto the floor and stretch your arms forward, keeping your wrists and elbows off the floor and both arms straight. Spread the palms and fingers out wide; and press the hands into the mat as you lengthen and release the buttocks and hips back towards the heels. Bring your head down to rest on the floor and close your eyes.
Tips & tricks: use a block beneath the forehead if it does not rest comfortably on the floor and place blankets under the knees if needed. Take blocks under each hand to get a stronger opening in the shoulders and armpits.