Reflections & tips
from my yoga journey
30-min Restorative Practice
The use of props in Iyengar yoga can sometimes be seen as ‘cheating’ or a way to make the pose easier, and in part that's true.
Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations
Surya Namaskar - also known as Sun Salutations or Salutes, are a sequence of linked yoga poses that are designed to be practiced in the morning, but can also be done anytime, as a way to bring about greater mobility and alertness to the body and mind. They can also help develop flexibility and improved blood circulation.
Immune Sequence
You may have noticed this Immune sequence pop up online recently. It was originally created in 2009 by BKS Iyengar in response to the Swine Flu pandemic.
Below is some info and instructions to help with your home practice.
Pose of the month - Dandasana
Dandasana (staff pose) - is a foundation pose often practiced on the way into a seated twist or forward bends like Janu Sirsasana (one legged forward bend). In Light on Yoga, Dandasana is mentioned in the instructions for getting into Paripurna Navasana (boat pose)!
Pose of the month - Ardho Mukha Virasana
Ardho Mukha Virasana is commonly done at the beginning of class as a way to open the shoulders, lengthen the spine, release the lower back and groins, and stretch the ankles and tops of the feet.
Pose of the month - Parighasana
Parighasana aims to lengthen the lateral sides of the body, an area that's commonly overlooked or neglected, while also working on alignment and stability.