30-min Restorative Practice

On Wednesday mornings, I've been teaching a 30-minute online yoga class for a private company - as part of their wellness program designed to keep staff connected and calm while working from home! 

As someone who loves nothing better than a luxuriously long 2-hour yoga class, I wasn't sure it would be enough time (and in a way it's not!)

But any amount of time is better than none, and for some 30 minutes is all we can squeeze into our day. 

I've been enjoying the challenge of putting together these shorter sequences and wanted to share this recent restorative practice.

There are just 5 simple poses and all you will need is two blocks, a mat and 30 minutes to quieten and refresh your mind and body... Enjoy!


1. Sitting Meditation - 5 minutes

Sit in a cross leg position onto some height (I use one or two blankets or a meditation cushion).

Take support under the knees (blocks or blankets) if you need it.

Please the hands onto the thighs - palms up or down, up to you.

Keep the spine tall and ascending.

Bring the chin slightly down and lengthen the back of the neck and crown of the head towards the ceiling.

Gently lift the sternum bone and spread the collarbones and shoulder tips to open the chest. Softly draw the shoulder blades down the back.

Close the eyes and observe your breath - the inhalations and exhalations, for 5 minutes.

Benefits of meditation:

  • Helps to settle your mind and bring your focus into the breath

  • Promotes self awareness, mindfulness and reflection

  • Helps to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety


2. Seated forward bend - 5 minutes each side

Change the cross of your legs from the seating meditation.

You can remain sitting onto height or try taking it away.

Keeping both sitting bones anchored to the floor, stretch the torso and arms forward (not down) to create as much length through the front, back and sides of the body.

Have one or two blocks (or a chair) in front of you and let the forehead come down and rest onto that support.

Let the elbows bend and rest so that the shoulder and neck soften and relax. Enjoy the pose for 5 minutes, before changing the cross of the legs and going forward for another 5 minutes on the other side.

Benefits of supported forward bends:

  • Promotes self awareness and reflection

  • Further quietens, cools and settles the mind

  • Opens and lengthens the back body


3. Supta Baddha Konasana - 5 minutes

You can place a bolster lengthways down the spine and take a blanket under the head if you have them.

Otherwise use two blocks - one block is placed lengthways on the flat side between your shoulder blades to elevate and keep the chest lifted.

Place the second block horizontally on the medium height under your head.

Lengthen the back of the neck and bring the chin down towards the chest so the nose is not poking up towartds the sky.

Let the collarbones and shoulder tips spread away from each other and down towards the floors.

With the feet on the floor and knees bent, lengthen the tailbone away from the blocks and towards the feet,.

Open out the knees to either side and press the soles of the feet towards one another (Baddha Konasana). Stay for 5 minutes (or more if you have time)

Benefits of supported supine poses:

  • Opens the front body, particularly the chest and hearts

  • Opens the inner thighs, knees and groins

  • Supports and soothes the nervous system and mind


4. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - 5 minutes

Start by laying flat on the ground with your knees bent and feet on the floor.

Pressing your feet into the ground, lift up your hips and buttock and take a block on the highest height horizontally across the sacrum.

Roll the tops of the shoulders underneath you so that the chest curls more towards the face. Lengthen the back of the neck along the floor.

Keep the feet pressing gently into the floor and the knees tracking forward in line with the hips. Soften the belly and stay here for 5 minutes.

Benefits of inversions:

  • Stretches the spine and neck

  • Opens the front body, particularly the chest

  • Stimulates the thyroid and abdominal organs

  • Boosts energy and refreshes the mind


5. Savasana - 5 minutes

Remove all props and lay out flat on your back. You can take some form support under your head (like a blanket) to support the neck.

Have the arms and legs slightly spread away from the body with the palms open up to towards the ceiling. Let the feet and toes fall out to either side.

Allow your whole body to surrender into the earth and stay for 5 minutes.

Benefits of Savasana:

  • Calms the nervous system and mind

  • Helps to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety

Restorative yoga is all about slowing down and achieving deep relaxation in the muscles and mind. It allows you to restore, refresh and renew your energy, body and brain. It’s often compared to Yin yoga, however, this style of class is more about deep stretching and less about relaxation. Both have their benefits but are very different in both intention and experience.

Feel free to extend this restorative practice by remaining in each of the poses for longer - depending on what you are going through and need, and how much time you have.

If you don’t have blocks, you can buy good quality yoga props, including this Intro Pack from iYoga Props.

Email me at hello@ohmyyoga.com.au if you have questions about this sequence, any of the poses or restorative yoga in general. I’m also available to run a private online session via Zoom.

Mia Ferreira

I help individuals and businesses develop and deliver meaningful and effective marketing strategies, campaigns and messages.

My key areas of expertise include:
- social media marketing
- copywriting and editing
- PR and media relations
- strategic planning
- measurement and evaluation

In 2018, I joined the prestigious Professional Writing and Editing course at RMIT Uni to continue developing my writing and editing skills, and explore new writing styles and genres.

To balance my professional and academic pursuits, I'm also a dedicated yoga practitioner and certified Iyengar yoga teacher. I run small group and corporate yoga classes around Melbourne - championing good mental and physical health in the workplace.


Letting go of expectations


Choosing hope over fear