Choosing to slow down

It's easy to get caught up in the New Year hype and feel like you should be making big resolutions and changes in your life. 

But when it comes to our physical, mental or emotional wellbeing, the reality is that things rarely happen quickly or without significant effort (boo!)

It's our commitment to doing something small every day or week (like a yoga class!) and it's the accumulation of these repeated actions over time, that bring about impactful and lasting transformations and rewards.

It's also in these simple daily tasks, that we often experience moments of joy. That feeling of being full and complete. Of not needing more and feeling grateful for what we have.

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Did you experience moments of joy in 2018? What were you doing at the time? How will you bring more joy in your life this year?

In 2019, I invite you to slow down. Focus on the things you really care about and do them more often. It's about quality over quantity - doing fewer things at a deeper level.

I'm turning 40 this year (eek!) and there's also the temptation to make BIG changes and fast track things to get to where I think my life and career 'should' be at this age... 

Instead, I've decided to take a step back and be OK with where I am. To appreciate and savour the things I am already doing and enjoying; yoga, reading, writing and time out in nature...

Rather than add to my list (because being busy does not make you cool, happy or successful!), I want to do things that really matter more often. No shiny new things and distractions - just the things that bring me joy.

Join me on this journey, and together let's create more space, clarity and joy in our life, body, mind and heart!

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"Let the goal be to reach perfection, but be content with a little progress toward perfection everyday."

BKS Iyengar

Mia Ferreira

I help individuals and businesses develop and deliver meaningful and effective marketing strategies, campaigns and messages.

My key areas of expertise include:
- social media marketing
- copywriting and editing
- PR and media relations
- strategic planning
- measurement and evaluation

In 2018, I joined the prestigious Professional Writing and Editing course at RMIT Uni to continue developing my writing and editing skills, and explore new writing styles and genres.

To balance my professional and academic pursuits, I'm also a dedicated yoga practitioner and certified Iyengar yoga teacher. I run small group and corporate yoga classes around Melbourne - championing good mental and physical health in the workplace.

Pose of the month - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana