Embracing the idea of discipline

Last month, I wrote about slowing down to experience more joy. Inviting you to do fewer things, just more often. Well, I've discovered that requires a fair bit of discipline...

The word 'discipline' is often associated with childhood punishments and the removal of things we like most. But there are different types of discipline - preventative, supportive and corrective!

I love words and their ability to help people understand and feel. So, I've been contemplating what the word discipline means to me and why I resist it so much, especially in relation to yoga (and writing).

Maintaining a regular yoga practice is hard. I go through periods of practicing every day and others where it may only be a couple of times a week.

Sometimes I don't have money to attend class or I'm too busy with work. But I can always do a home practice and a lot of the time I just want to escape with a glass of red and Netflix session!

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What activities do you enjoy but avoid? Why do you avoid them? Do you feel better or worse afterward?

Anxiety is something I have experienced throughout my life and I have found that practicing yoga regularly helps to keep me grounded and calm. But even though I really enjoy yoga and know it’s good for me, sometimes I choose to do a load of washing and spend an hour on Instagram instead...

Avoiding my practice is the easier option but also the most harmful. By choosing not to practice, I'm choosing to ignore my health, wellbeing and happiness. 

So, as I return to Uni and prepare to sit for yoga assessment again, I'm trying to cultivate more self-discipline. I want to embrace it as a tool to take my yoga (and writing) practice deeper. 

I'm turning discipline into something positive that supports and nourishes me, and will help achieve my goals. A tool for self-care and love!

Only time will tell, if I'm successful. So in the meantime, join me on the mat to create more space and clarity in your body, mind and heart!

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"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you may have built against it."



Mia Ferreira

I help individuals and businesses develop and deliver meaningful and effective marketing strategies, campaigns and messages.

My key areas of expertise include:
- social media marketing
- copywriting and editing
- PR and media relations
- strategic planning
- measurement and evaluation

In 2018, I joined the prestigious Professional Writing and Editing course at RMIT Uni to continue developing my writing and editing skills, and explore new writing styles and genres.

To balance my professional and academic pursuits, I'm also a dedicated yoga practitioner and certified Iyengar yoga teacher. I run small group and corporate yoga classes around Melbourne - championing good mental and physical health in the workplace.


Pose of the month - Uttanasana


Pose of the month - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana