Using Props in Yoga
The use of props in Iyengar yoga can sometimes be seen as ‘cheating’ or a way to make the pose easier, and in part that's true.
While the props can help make performing and staying in the pose easier, we don’t rest or rely on them. The use of bricks, bolsters, belts, ropes and chairs is designed to be a tool that allows us to observe our body and mind, as well as deepen our awareness and understanding of the pose
Let's take Ardho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog) for example - as pictured below, we can do this pose with or without bricks under the hands.
Without bricks:
You can see my body weight falls forward towards the head - often this is what puts pressure on the wrists, arms and shoulders. My legs are tilting forward and my heels are up off the ground.
With bricks:
The bricks help to bring my weight back into the legs, making the pose more balanced. The blocks also allow more subtle movements - the top of the thighs can press back, sacrum/ lower back and calves lengthen and heels come down to the floor.
This is just one quick example to demonstrate how we use props and the rich opportunity for growth and awareness they can provide.
Read more about the use of props in these articles:
Yoga Journal - The Nature and Use of Yoga Props
Yoga Vastu - A Guide to Props and Equipment in Iyengar Yoga
Griffins Hills Yoga - Yoga Props an Iyengar Yoga Innovation
You can buy good quality yoga props, including this Intro Pack from iYoga Props.
Email me at if you have questions about using yoga props or would like to arrange a private online session via Zoom.