Pose of the month - Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II (warrior 2) - It took me a long time to understand this pose, not because it's particularly difficult but because it feels kind of simple or easy. You just take the legs out wide, turn the front foot and bend at the knee right?!

But after years of practicing and teaching, I have come to appreciate and respect its simple complexities and think it's the perfect pose to practice and find a place of 'effortless effort'. 

We must somehow plant down through the feet and work both the legs evenly so that can we remain strong and steady - while also trying to create lightness and openness in the trunk and spine, remaining tall and upright!


Basic Instructions:  Take the legs out wide and turn the right foot, as you would for Trikonasana (triangle pose). Stretch the arms up and out at shoulder height and keep the trunk upright and looking straight ahead. Exhale, bend the front knee down to a right angle, thigh parallel to the floor - and keep the knee pointing straight over the toes and aligned directly over the ankle. Keep the left leg straight and the back foot firmly planted on the ground. Lift and open the chest by stretching the arms and keep the spine tall and ascending. Slowly turn the head to look down the front arm. Hold here for 20 - 30 seconds. Press through the back foot to straighten the front leg and come up. Turn the feet to other side and repeat.

Mia Ferreira

I help individuals and businesses develop and deliver meaningful and effective marketing strategies, campaigns and messages.

My key areas of expertise include:
- social media marketing
- copywriting and editing
- PR and media relations
- strategic planning
- measurement and evaluation

In 2018, I joined the prestigious Professional Writing and Editing course at RMIT Uni to continue developing my writing and editing skills, and explore new writing styles and genres.

To balance my professional and academic pursuits, I'm also a dedicated yoga practitioner and certified Iyengar yoga teacher. I run small group and corporate yoga classes around Melbourne - championing good mental and physical health in the workplace.


Learning from failure


Working with effortless effort